Why Is My Chrome Acting Funny

The news has been devastating this week, as four families lost teenagers to another school shooting in Michigan. It is in weeks like this we look particularly hard for the good in the world.

One of our favorite stories is getting its own Netflix movie

The story of Arizona grandmother Wanda Dench accidentally texting a random high school senior, Jamal Hinton,thinking he was her grandson and inviting him to Thanksgiving dinner has made us smile since it happened. Dench and Hinton have eaten Thanksgiving together for six years now.

Now, Netflix is making a movie about the unlikely Thanksgiving dinner pair!

We can't wait to watch!

This boy's Thanksgiving speech will make you laugh AND cry

TikTok user Maya Schwarz's video of her young family member giving a very genuine and profound declaration of his thankfulness could not be more wholesome and sweet, and the video's 31 million viewers agree.

After over 238,000 people commented on the video, Schwarz posted, "Gratitude kid & family want to let you all know that we're very THANKFUL for the love. Wishing everyone a happy holiday season!"

A wrong number gave a group of boys the chance to meet a few of their heroes

The problem with group chats is that one wrong number can lead to disaster. But in a recent case, a member of a high school freshman boys' basketball team from Pontiac, Michigan, entered the wrong digit and accidentally added a stranger to the team's group chat, it led to an unforgettable moment for all of them.

The stranger added to the group chat turned out to be none other than Sean Murphy-Bunting, cornerback for the defending Super Bowl champions, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Murphy-Bunting was a great sport about it: He FaceTimed the boys and gave them a tour of the Bucs locker room, introducing the team to his own teammates — including one they happened to have heard of before, quarterback Tom Brady.

The whole thing was documented on Twitter by one of the boys' dads, P. Jason Whelan.

We're pretty sure the boys would agree this FaceTime moment was the G.O.A.T.

This dad is spreading Christmas cheer loudly for all to hear

On Black Friday, TikTok user Maddy Buckley had the best shopping buddy ever: her dad, dressed as Buddy the Elf, the instantly iconic character played by Will Farrell in the Christmas comedy "Elf."

It was a part he was apparently born to play.

Maddy's dad — that is, "Buddy" — can rest easy knowing he brought the Christmas spirit to their mall as well as the more than 19 million people who have viewed the video on TikTok.

A house painter now finds himself baking cakes for the queen

After starting an Instagram account for his side hustle making over the top, "extra" cheesecakes, Pleesecakes, house painter Joe Moruzzi and his cheesecakes became a viral sensation overnight.

Though he had no business plan in place when he hit it big, Moruzzi "winged it" and was soon making TV appearances. Then, he was approached to make a cake for a special VIP customer: The queen. Yes, that queen.

Now, Moruzzi is bringing his sweet art to the world: a new edition of his cookbook is now available in America.

This Amazon delivery guy understood the assignment

It's not just the holiday season — it's the online shopping and package-delivery season. TikTok user @stephanielerin posted a video showing how one Amazon delivery person "had her back" when dropping off a package recently.

On her front doorstep, Stephanie has a doormat that says, "HIDE PACKAGES FROM HUSBAND." When a man answers the door and asks the Amazon representative if he is dropping off a package, he doesn't let Stephanie down.

Only stumbling over his words a little, the delivery person says no, he was there to share the holy word with the homeowner instead.

"That man deserves a raise!" one commenter proclaimed.

"Amazon Prime... minister," joked another.

That's what we call going above and beyond for a customer!

... and even more proof we don't deserve dogs

Speaking of understanding the assignment, one family's dog made professional photographer Kelsey Carroll Shuc's job easier when she took their family photos this holiday season.

Now that is a dog who knows how to say "Cheese!"

Have a good weekend, everyone.



Source: https://www.today.com/parents/see-why-delivery-person-s-improv-was-funny-act-mercy-t241983

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