Picasso Self-Portrait Project · Craftwhack

Cubism Picasso painting project for kids- Artchoo.com

This. Is Cubism at its finest. I haven't done many projects based on historical artists, so perchance that is something I should focus on a little more with future projects.

Picasso Cubism painting project for kids- so cool.

In that location'south something wonderful about kids focusing on a specific artist's style and so replicating that experience/technique. Any fourth dimension a kid tin can possibly absorb some history while they are doing art is powerful.

I plant this project in the volumePaint it! by Kathy Durkin, and had to try information technology. Not even because information technology was inspired by Picasso's Cubist mode, but because it was such a cool technique.

Essentially, you combine three views of your face into one and voila! Cubism.


  • Watercolor paper
  • Tracing paper
  • Pencil
  • Black Sharpie
  • Watercolors and brush


Photo your field of study three times: confront-frontward, side view and iii/four view. Impress each view out.


Accept a piece of tracing paper and lay information technology in turn over each print out, tracing over the well-nigh prominent lines from each view.

Tracing a face for Picasso Cubism painting project • Artchoo.com

Flip the tracing paper over and lay information technology on top of your watercolor paper. Press hard with your pencil while tracing over the lines. This will transfer them onto the watercolor newspaper. Y'all can erase whichever bits of lines you lot aren't addicted of.

Transfer drawings onto another piece of paper

Go over the pencil lines with your black Sharpie and prepare to pigment.

markering over pencil lines

We used watercolors, and didn't fill in the entire face. It makes for a striking finished product to leave white areas within the confront. The bits of color human action as highlights to whichever parts you lot want to, well, highlight.

Our background was painted and lifted with newspaper towel wads to give it a little bit of texture.

Cubism Picasso painting project for kids- Artchoo.com

For more cool painting projects for kids, come across my Pinterest painting projects for kids board.

What practise y'all think?

Joanne Gonzales has a passion for getting creative. Whether she is making personalized DIY gifts or taking part in larger arts and crafts projects, she puts her all into making new and beautiful things.

She lives with a grouping of close friends and believes in the natural fashion of life. Joanne has built an outdoor arts and crafts gallery that overlooks the countryside in her hometown, which is where all of her creations come to life.

Art started off equally a hobby, but over time Joanne has mastered her skills and sold some of her favorite pieces. She works full time every bit a florist and has done for many years. Information technology helps go on her creative juices flowing and she hopes to one solar day open her own florist shop with a twist.


Source: https://craftwhack.com/picasso-self-portrait-project/

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